Useful work and maquinism

Our cultural heritage, folk wisdom, should incorporate some important ideas for achieving the good of the majority to become part of the Unconscious Collective.
These are the ideas of Useful Work and Maquinism.


This idea is very important; it is the work that brings real profits to the society, ie the work the society really needs; should be carefully calibrated what jobs are useful and what works are not and it should be decided by a group of people who represents everyone.
But the idea of useful work has to be linked to the idea of Maquinism


We live in the age of the machines; now a machine can do the work of hundreds of people in a single day.
The great production freed us from the subsistence economy with its many hours of work to get ahead and brought abundant material goods, which are being distributed bad.

At the age of the machines with four hours of useful work the society would have all their needs met to spare.


A few hands have accumulated a huge amount of wealth represented by money, gold, land, houses, etc. to the detriment of the vast majority, this wealth does not flow, is immobilized; these people take advantage of the wealth generated by mass production with machines amassing fortunes that are not distributed.


Most works should be of services and four hour per day

In the production centers I think should be done four hours in four work shifts.

It should be established to the owners of production centers (individuals or groups) a rate by level of production in relation to the number of employees available; if most of the production is made by machines with very little human employment the produced wealth should go mostly to the state coffers in the form of production tax and if this fee is not paid would not be put into circulation these goods because they are for personal benefit.

If it is not acted so we will be again generating social poverty that affects many people leaving capitalist monsters grow; this will cause hunger and social tensions that eventually would seek solution through revolutions that could bring deaths frequently.

If rates to production depending on the number of employees are not established (always working four hours, no more) the machine age would become a disgrace to many people in the long run and would have to think about the destruction of machines, although if society is not stupid and aspires to a high level of welfare of all, the machines would be destroyed and only would be changed the behavior of certain people.

The destruction of the machines would mean falling behind hundreds of years and many hours of daily work, but their existence has to be linked to the good of all of us, not just a few.


El Libertario