Strange figurines

There are many figurines that make us to think across the Earth; the images and morphologies shown speak for themselves
This section complements the section "Our ancient teachers"
 of Veracruz, Mexico; 600-900 of our era; being with tail, as some represented in Jama-Coaque (Ecuador)
 Jaina figurine; pre-Columbian
 Aztec figure; Mexico
 of Tlatilco, Mexico; 1200 to 400 B.C.
 of the Chorrera Culture, Ecuador; 1800 to 300 B.C.
 of Jama-Coaque, Ecuador; pre-Columbian
 of Jama-Coaque
 of Jama-Coaque
 of Jama-Coaque
 of the Chorrera Culture
 Manco Capac; first king of the Incas
 of the Machalila-Valdavia-Chorrera Culture
 of the Bahía Culture; Ecuador
 of Ecuador
 of theTamayo Museum; Oaxaca, Mexico
 of México
 of the Maya city of Copan
 of Campeche, Mexico; 600-900 AD. This figurine is strange because it reminds to Ganesha god of India, especially when it is not known of the existence of elephants in America
 of the Sanxingdui Culture, of China; at least 3200 years old
 Sanxingdui Culture
 Sanxingdui Culture
 Sanxingdui Culture
 Jomon figurine Japan; the Jomon continued in Japan since 14500 to 300 B.C.
 Jomon ceramics
 Dogu figurine of Akita, Japan; 4500 to 3300 B.C.
 Dogu figurine, Japan; Guimet Museum
 of the late Jomon period, Japan;  1000 to 300 B.C.
side view of a Dogu statue

Tairona art, Colombia


ancient Germanic god

Valkyrie, the National Museum of Denmark

god Odin, British Museum

god Thor, Norse mitology

of Tlatilco, Mexico; 1200 to 900 B.C.

Zacateca ceramics, Pre-Columbian

ceramics of Jalisco, Mexico; Pre-Columbian

of Jalisco; 200 B.C. a 300 A.D.

of Jalisco; 300 B.C. to 300 A.D.
 Olmec mask
 Olmec jade figurine; winged creature


Dominican Taino