Artificial stones in the antiquity


The stones used for the construction of many of the ancient pyramids were artificially molded, in situ, as were the great stones of Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, etc.

The Famine Stele or Hungry Rock; its hieroglyphs describe in detail the technique for stone softening. The god Jnum passed this information to Zoser, second Pharaoh of the Third Dynasty
 Of the temple of the pyramid of Menkaura
 Unfinished obelisk of Aswan
 pyramid of Egypt
 Relief in stone, in Saqqara, Egypt

Joseph Davidovits, an internationally recognized French scientist, has driven to many Egyptologists up a wall. His conclusions are that the blocks of the Great Pyramid were not cut, but molded, something similar to cement and other chemical processes of construction made by man.


After 10 years of research, there is no doubt for Davidovits; the builders of the pyramids were not stonemasons but chemists.


Researchers* have an added problem in explaining why there are human hair, threads, air bubbles and even human nails inside the rocks from the Great Pyramid. Through microscopic photography, Davidovits has come to find evidence of intrusive elements in more than 20 rocks.


About the ancient techniques of artificially making stones, the Greek historian Herodotus and the Roman Pliny gave us complete information, possibly obtained from the Egyptian industry itself. Not only the Famine Stele details the elements for the manufacture of artificial stones, but other evidences seem to indicate that this knowledge was exclusive of a chosen group of people that transmitted the secret formula to the followers of the work.


The Irtysen Stele, made in limestone and cataloged in the Louvre with the number C-14, brings us more evidence on this same subject. Irtysen was chief of the craftsmen, scribe and sculptor under the reign of Nebhepetre Montouhotep, sovereign of the XI Dynasty 2033-1982


The translation of the hieroglyphs of this stele by eminent Egyptologists such as Masero (1877) Petrie (1895) M. Madsen (1909), revealed the existence of a hidden chemical knowledge of the artificial manufacture of stone blocks. In the translation of the hieroglyphs of the stele appear these revelations of Irtysen:

"I know the parts that pertain to the casting technique that molds, the name, the weight of the ingredients according to their exact recipe, the making of the mold, so that each fragment goes to its place."


*of the official science, those we call archaeologists and Egyptologists


 Stele of Irtysen, currently in the Louvre

From the area of Carnac, France, there is much evidence that the stones of the menhirs are artificial

 stone of Le Petit Menec


 of Pidan, Russia


 Stones of dolmens in the Montana area, USA; outer layer in pink granite, but the interior is formed by a concrete type; according to Julie Ryder's publication on Montana dolmens


 Another example of Montana; as in the previous case, pink granite on the outside and concrete inside
Megaliths of Montana, an interesting information


 Dolmen of Montana where the detachment of the outer layer that once was mold is clearly seen; taken from the works of Julie Ryder
Thus we can explain the fact that we find old stones in which there are no visible holes but they sound hollow; it would be a thick mold and its hollow interior. This is an example with a granite stone from the pyramid of Menkaura, the smallest of the three pyramids of Giza


 The stones of Stonehenge are also artificial; in its interior exists a type of different stone under a thick mold

Stone within the circle of Stonehenge in which also it is appreciated its condition of artificiality


 Sphere of Kazakhstan; the outer layer, a thick, cracked and detached mold

 Another sphere with mold, although this one is of thin walls

This is a Moeraki sphere from New Zealand; these spheres are hollow; the mold was not filled


Artificial stone in the pyramids of Bosnia


From the Pyramid of Menkaura, Egypt; the mold is partially peeled


 Cusco Street; In many stones the detachment of a layer is observed, the outer layer corresponding to the mold in which the stone was made

Stone of the 12 angles of Cuzco; the pickling of the mold is observed


of Ollantaytambo


of Ollantaytambo


of Ollantaytambo


Of Sacsayhuaman; marks on the stones

Of Ollantaytambo; smoothed with a kind of paddle at the time of construction


 Of Ollantaytambo; the material is pink granite; many people realized that, because of the marks, they are artificial stones; but the pink granite melts at 1260 ° C and they would have needed an advanced technology in the antiquity to work these stones to that temperature in the outside (without furnace)


Megalith in Russia; also it is seen that it is artificial


Of Calabria, Italy; pickling of the mold



Another example of artificial stone with pickling



 Of Nemrut Dagi, Turkey; it represents Antioco I shaking hands with Mithra. It has all the appearance of being an artificial stone with an artificial mold, but part of the mold has deteriorated


 Shamash, Sun God of Akkad receiving homage from an individual whose head is not seen by the rupture of the mold

Pre Hispanic artificial stones; partially detached mold; of the Mayan culture


 Vijayanagara, Hampi, India. Stone mold stripping

Artificial stone in India 


Of Indonesia; Stones made with mold


In a cave in Utah, USA; It is stone, but seems as if on occasion this stone would have been soft, like clay, or as if it had been temporarily softened


Examples of Sacsayhuaman

Non-natural clefts

Smooth stones with a kind of paddle before setting


 Stones with unnatural crevices

Of Tiahuanaco


In red granite; the minimum age of Tiahuanaco is 14000 years; that is to say, it is antediluvian, since the last deluge occurred 12000 years ago



Alfredo Gamarra was a pioneer in the study of vitrified and molded rocks and his theories are as surprising as spectacular as well as audacious; his son Jesús Gamarra Farfán continues his research on these issues.
Dutchman Jan Peter de Jong, who was formerly based in Peru and is also passionate about archaeological research, helped to spread the work of Alfredo and Jesus by creating the website "Ancient Mysteries Explained"; he is the author of a multitude of videos on the subject.
These are links to some of their pages, all of them of great interest


Evidence of molding and vitrification:

Of Qengo, vitrification due to extreme heat


Vitrified walls in the area of Cuzco


 Vitrified tunnel in the Pequeña Chincana area; Sacsayhuaman


Just beside the hill of Rodadero; also vitrified


 Vitrified cuts; Ollantaytambo


 Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco; mark made on the stone applying immense heat; partially vitrified


Vitrified artificial stone; exhibited outside the Church of San Cristobal, Cuzco


of Ollantaytambo; vitrified


of Ollantaytambo, with vitrification and clear signs of artificiality


Once again a stone vitrified and artificial


Qorikancha holes; they cross the entire wall of the Qorikancha and are vitrified; to achieve this a temperature of thousands of degrees is required



Molded stones in the antiquity throughout the Earth


It represents to a dragon; on the Orkney Islands, north of Scotland; pickling of the mold


Of Mount Vottovaara, Russia, in close proximity to Finland; here there are many singular megaliths. This is a large stone with a mold and the concrete can be seen in its interior


Pickling of the mold of megaliths exposing the concrete in the interior; Dolmens of Montana, USA, with Julie Ryder


More mold pickling in dolmens of Montana, USA; By Julie Ryder


Sigiriya; work in a monolithic block. We see that those who made all this set had a spectacular technology unknown to us using molds and melting the rock; our rotary machines with diamond for stone or band saws for stone would not serve for this type of cuts in monolithic block, because the discs can not make curved cuts, the band saws only make flat cuts from end to end and our lasers can only cut small thicknesses


of Sigiriya; work in one piece reminiscent of the Hanan Pacha stones (from before the last deluge) of Cusco and other places


of Sigiriya; works in stone very similar to the Hanan Pacha of Peru; they are of antediluvian times, with at least 12000 years


It is of interest the following article on Sigiriya and softening of stones


of Osaka, Japan

Sleeping stone, Japan
of Aswan, Egypt
of Aswan
of Cusco
 of Machu Picchu, Peru
of Machu Picchu; source


To add to the nonsense

Grooves in the pink granite Aswan quarry
Pink granite grooves of the Aswan quarries
They lie us when we are told that the grooves that we observe in the quarries of Aswan were made with stones, such as dolerite (black granite), based on scraping, because many times they tried to demonstrate what they explain, but did not succeed; they have never succeeded, but in spite of this they try to make us believe that all this was done that way.
How would they then be able to make a large flat panel in the pink granite of the Aswan quarry without sophisticated tools about 5000 years ago? The pink granite is of a hardness of at least 7 in the Mohs scale and today only can be cut with diamond
 large panel cut in pink granite; Aswan quarry

Aswan granite with different kind of stone inlaid


My opinion is that some ancient people who existed before the last flood had a technology capable of softening the stones and even melting them in an open medium (without the need for an oven), which means working at temperatures of several thousand degrees, and that this technology was lost; I think they also had other machines capable of making drills on the rocks with much greater speed than at present, as well as machines capable of making great abrasions in stones at high speed, and also machines capable of polishing the stone with great perfection, no matter how hard it was. All it means great technology in ancient times.

Proof of this are the works of the Grottos of Longyou, in China, at least 2000 years old

grooves in a grotto of Longyou; were withdrawn from the caves nearly a million cubic meters of stone

There are 36 caves that do not communicate with each other, the walls between them go parallel and sometimes with only a half-meter thick partition wall